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Monday, August 6, 2012

Really Stupid Scam and Spam

We've all gotten those ridiculous Email invitations from rich foreigners (whom we don't know) offering us bazillions of dollars if we can just help them move some cash out of their country—those have been around for a long time, and most people are smart enough to steer clear. Lately, it appears spammers, scammers and phishers have decided to just be plain annoying. I know it's a numbers game, but really... do they actually think there are people who will nibble at these?

First came this one, informing me that I'm only minutes away from becoming a full-fledged Doctor, or as they put it, a "Doctroat."


We provide a concept that will allow anyone with sufficient work experience to obtain a fully verifiable Univresity Dgeree. Matsers, Matsers or Doctroate. No books!. No time wasted!. Obtain a Dgeree!. Think of it, within four to six weeks, you too could be a colelge graduate.

Now, who in their right mind would respond to an offer to earn a college degree from an email so loaded with typos? I'm not making this up.

Next came 5 Emails in succession (from different addresses) that started out with the exact same opening line:

"Good Evening, so I was bored out of my mind and started skimming on FOXs local career spotlight on last monday & ran into a brand new self-employed career that helps immigrants..."
I'm not an immigrant, but out of curiosity, I clicked on one of them and got the message above—at a tumblr.com address. I choose not to click the green button—I wasn't that curious. (Next, I promptly ran my virus scan software, just to make sure I hadn't stepped in something while trying to figure out the purpose of this ridiclous Email) -

Then came this hilariously bad facsimile of a notification from an airline:

In addition to poor wording and the fact that I stopped flying American years ago, there are at least 6 other problems with this supposed ticket. How many can you find? There was no  ticket attached, and clicking on "Print A Ticket" —which appears to be a link—does nothing.

But my all-time (at least up until now) "Most Annoying Scammers and Spammers Award" goes to some company named "Davison" who claims they specializes in services for inventors—when all they really do is annoy people.

I've clicked on a couple of these and have been redirected to pages that have nothing to do with inventor services. Here is a list of the junk they sent me in just one 7 day period—and this does not include an equal number of Emails that came from other addresses, even after I filled out their "unsubscribe" form multiple times.

Why anyone would want to do business with a company that has such low prospecting practices is way beyond me. Hey Davison! I have a brilliant idea—why don't you stop bothering people with your incessant Emails!

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